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iphone 8 twinkle stardust case

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iphone 8 twinkle stardust case

The Khyber Darbar restaurant in the Jungle offers full meals for 3 euros a plate. It's decorated with mirrored space blankets and other items available free from aid agencies. Commerce survives in the Jungle, though it doesn't exactly thrive. Many refugees who can't afford to buy food rely on free meals from aid agencies, but several stores offer snacks and drinks. A bicycle repair shop stands near one of the Jungle's entrances. Bicycles in the Jungle make trips into Calais faster, but they're in bad shape. One shop does its best to keep them running.

Friends and customers can charge their phones at this store, one of the few with electrical power, thanks to a gas-powered generator, In front of the table are propane tanks used for a stove for cooking naan bread, A volunteer-run effort called the Refugee Info Bus offers free Wi-Fi, This antenna connects to a French mobile network and beams Wi-Fi to about 400 refugees a day, One of the more elaborate constructions in the iphone 8 twinkle stardust case Jungle is this two-story Christian church, French authorities swept the southern half the Jungle clear in March in an effort to move refugees into government-supplied housing at the camp, Now only weeds and a water tap remain, About 2,500 refugees were displaced, but there was only room for 1,500 refugees, aid agency Medecins Sans Frontiers says..

Graffiti on one Jungle shack quotes the Emma Lazarus poem inscribed on the US Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"The Kurdistan red fox -- Vulpes vulpes kurdistanica -- is painted with a cat on the side of one home in the Grande-Synthe refugee camp in northern France. This tall security fence is designed to keep refugees from the area where cars and trucks drive onto trains bound from France to the UK.

The Jungle's government camp is safer than the chaotic jumble of tents, but refugees must scan their hands electronically for admittance, That's a problem: refugees work hard to avoid giving their fingerprints until they reach the country in which they hope to claim asylum, Tents and shacks are built atop litter-strewn dunes in the Jungle just a few hundred feet from the iphone 8 twinkle stardust case English Channel, Mylar space blankets of silver and gold along with star-pattern fleece blankets adorn an unusually elaborate shack at the Jungle refugee camp in northern France..

The Jungle is loosely divided by nationality. This shack shows its residents' roots in Ethiopia's region of Oromia. A Kurdistani barbershop in the Grande-Synthe refugee camp is painted with a toothy panda bear and bamboo. Mohammed Ali, 31, a refugee from Iraq, transfers data from an old phone into a newer iPhone at the Grande-Synthe camp near Dunkirk, France. The Dunkirk Children's Center, run by a non-profit group called Edulumino, offers a place for kids to learn and stay at the Grande-Synthe refugee camp in northern France. Director Rory Fox says about 100 kids attend the school, but turnover is high as families pay to be smuggled to the UK.

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