Or, in plain English: Now that the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has formally approved Samsung's decision to recall all these phones, it's also formally illegal to use them on a plane. More specifically, the FAA is asking that passengers. Many airlines had already banned passengers from using or charging the Galaxy Note 7 shortly after Samsung announced its voluntary recall. Last week the FAA strongly urged the public not to use the devices on planes. But now, everything's official, with the force of law behind it.
Return your Note 7, Exchange it, Just don't use it on a plane, Now that the Samsung recall is official, the Federal Aviation Administration says the phones can't be used on aircraft, Are you, or someone you know, still hanging on to a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone -- despite the explosion risk? Here's the latest reason to switch: It's now illegal to use a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 aboard an baron von fancy x incipio for iphone 8 aircraft under FAA jurisdiction, The Federal Aviation Administration issued a safety advisory Friday, reminding airlines and passengers that federal regulations prohibit transporting lithium-ion batteries that are defective or have been recalled, It also said passengers can't use or charge such devices powered by such batteries..
If your iOS device is feeling sluggish, there are a few things you can do to help improve performance a bit. If your device's hard drive is near capacity, reducing the amount of data stored on it could result in a speed boost. To see how much free space you have, go to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage and select Manage Storage under the Storage section (as opposed to iCloud). You will see how much available and used space you have above a list of your apps and the amount of space each occupies. Delete any apps you no longer use and then go through your photos and videos and delete or offload any nonessentials to your computer or the cloud.
As with previous iterations, iOS 10 runs processes in the background to make your life easier, Apps update themselves in the background, for example, which saves you from having to stare at an ever-increasing number in the badge alert on your App Store icon, Updating apps in the background, however, is a process that occupies your device's CPU (not to mention battery), You can disable this feature and update your apps manually via the App Store app, To do so, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store and tap baron von fancy x incipio for iphone 8 the toggle switch to turn off Updates in the Automatic Downloads section, (The other three options here -- Music, Apps and Books & Audiobooks -- are for sharing downloads among your iOS devices, When enabled, any new purchases that you make in the iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store automatically sync across your devices.)..
In addition to updating when you are otherwise occupied, apps also refresh their content in the background. For example, your Facebook or Twitter feed will update without you manually updating when you open the app. Helpful, to be sure, but it occupies CPU cycles. To turn it off, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and tap the toggle switch off. Alternatively, you can leave Background App Refresh enabled at the top and pursue an a la carte background app refresh method, making your selection app by app below.